Monday, November 17, 2008

Leadership via polling...again

People may not remember the Clinton administration, but Bill was big on polls. He couldn't hardly make a decision without first assembling a focus group. Well, for those of you who missed those days, it seems that Obama is bringing the concept back. Check out Obama's "WhiteHouse2" website...and click on "priorities" to see what his most avid supporters are advocating. You too can help influence policy by voting on your issue of choice.

Note the exactness of the real White House web site in regards to the site appearance. It's almost as if there are two White Houses right now, as Obama's web site suggests...

If you click on Obama's list of priorities, I guess you can see what bright ideas are gaining steam or waning in the mind of The One. Just heard a speech? Go to his list of priorities to see if he meant it by its position on the charts (where's Kasey Kasem?). Haven't heard the latest view of an important issue? Check his priority list to see if you're still in the Top 10, 50, or 100...


Meri said...

White House 2?! What is this like a sequel? lol

So much for bringing everyone together!

Truthbomber... said...

If it is a sequel, we all know most are pretty terrible.